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M.A. Digital Marketing Management

Digital Marketing Management Master’s – digital skills for future-proof marketing

The digital age has fundamentally changed consumer behaviour. Digital communication channels such as social media platforms enable companies to address target groups more directly and engage them more interactively than ever before. Digital sales channels such as online shops remove spatial boundaries when addressing customers. The increasing digitalisation and globalisation of markets poses marketing challenges for companies. Today, customers expect digital expertise on the part of companies – from a professional social media presence and visibility in search engines to the seamless dovetailing of digital and physical channels in terms of omnichannel management.

Companies need qualified specialists and managers – such as those who have completed the Digital Marketing Management M.A. – who understand and master the digital marketing, communication and media business: to plan and design marketing strategies and activities using digitalisation.

What to expect in your Digital Marketing Management Master’s

The Digital Marketing Management degree programme qualifies you to support companies in mastering their digital challenges. You’ll acquire sound knowledge in the conception of digital marketing strategies and learn which business and revenue models are possible in the online business sector. In addition, the Digital Marketing Management Master’s programme highlights various communication approaches to reach customers via digital channels – from social media and influencer marketing to content marketing and effective storytelling, but also with a targeted look at tools such as audio and messenger marketing and search engine marketing.

A Master’s in Marketing Management by distance learning at a glance

Normal study period

four semesters

Start of semester

at any time

Admission requirement

Bachelor degree that includes at least 50 ECTS units in business sciences. At least 10 ECTS units of those have to have been earned in quantitative or methodological courses and English B2


Master of Arts



Study locations

100% online studies, location independent or as face-to-face study


workshop / research project


Accredited by the Accreditation Council

Tuition fees

Different cost models to choose from 

Recognition of prior studies

recognition of prior studies is possible upon application. Our study coaches will advise you on this.

Fancy a look at
the curriculum?

Fancy a look at
the curriculum?

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This curriculum shows an exemplary study plan for the full-time variant. Would you also like to view the part-time curricula?
You can find these in this PDF.

Overview - Costs for a Master's Degree


  • 4  –  Semester
  • 30  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 13.170 €  –  Total price

520 €/Month

Part time fast

  • 6  –  Semester
  • 20  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 14.010 €  –  Total price

370 €/Month

Part time slow

  • 8  –  Semester
  • 15  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 15.090 €  –  Total price

300 €/Month

Trial study online Master

With us you can get a first impression of our learning materials and learning platform without any obligations. Sign up today for tomorrow, next week or next month - we look forward to seeing you!

The goals of the Digital Marketing Management Master’s

After the Digital Marketing Master’s, you will understand how customers use these digital channels to make purchasing decisions and know the underlying psychological mechanisms that are triggered in the digital environment. The focus of the Online Master’s in Digital Marketing Management is therefore on individual skill development, from the conception of digital marketing strategies and the planning of digital communication channels and content to the operational implementation of digital marketing measures.

Your advantages with a Master Digital Marketing Master’s

With the Digital Marketing Management Master’s from ISM, you will be comprehensively and soundly prepared for positions in the field of digital and online marketing in various industries and companies as well as in consulting. Further advantages:

  • practical relevance and application-oriented distance learning
  • business management knowledge and skills are imparted
  • specialised knowledge of different digital marketing topics throughout the entire marketing process
  • 360° perspective: from the evaluation of digital business models to conceptualisation, operational implementation and monitoring
  • reference to current market developments
  • illustration of theoretical content and contexts using examples and case studies
  • interactive and agile learning environment
  • expert lecturers provide practical insights
  • project-oriented study modules
  • distance learning with a high degree of individual flexibility
The prerequisites for the Master’s in Digital Marketing Management

First and foremost, a key prerequisite for successfully completing the Digital Marketing Management degree programme is a great enthusiasm for digital marketing and all related topics. The Digital Marketing Management M.A. deals with exciting questions such as:

  • Why do companies today pay influencers on social media large sums of money to present their products?
  • Why do followers end up listening to these influencers?
  • How are products bought and consumed today?
  • How does this new behaviour change the emergence of new business models?

A curiosity for the latest trends and developments in digital marketing is a good starting point for successfully completing the Digital Marketing Management degree. Previous knowledge of basic marketing concepts is advantageous. A sound knowledge of the English language is a basic requirement.

AACSB accreditation

Currently the only distance learning program in Germany with international AACSB accreditation


All of our degree programs are reviewed and accredited by the Accreditation Council.

State recognized

With ISM you enjoy the best education – we are state-approved for an unlimited period of time.

Approved distance learning courses

Of course, all our study programs bear the seal of quality of the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU).