Would you like to discuss your study test or do you have questions about your studies that you would like to discuss in person? Then let's get together for a non-binding student counselling meeting where we can discuss your wishes in more detail.
If you wish, you can then consult a personal ISM Study Coach for information about your distance learning program.
Our individual study test is not the only thing that can help you find the perfect degree or program for you.
The trial studies offered by ISM can also help you find your way around after the study test. This is of course completely non-binding, free of charge, and takes place online. Get to know ISM and some modules of the Bachelor’s degree programs and create an important basis for your decision.
You can also get a first impression of the teaching and learning methods of a distance learning course and find out whether a distance learning course at ISM is right for you. You can find out more on our information page about trial studies.
Another option is to take part in one of our informative webinars. These take place at regular intervals and are also free and non-binding.
Our webinars provide general information on Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs but also give insights into individual programs at ISM. The latter are particularly useful after the study test.
However, as a first point of reference or if you are not at all sure which degree program might suit you, we recommend that you take the study test and then talk to our study coaches. On this basis, you can then take a trial course in your desired program or participate in the corresponding information webinar.
If you have any questions about the study test or other offers, we will of course be happy to help you. Student counselling will help you with all matters relating to studying and orientation.
On request, you can then get information about your distance learning from a personal ISM Study Coach as part of a consultation.
In the non-binding conversation you will discuss the result of the study test and can respond more specifically to your wishes. In addition, you can ask all other questions about the process, structure, costs and financing during the consultation.
We would be happy to send you additional information material by email. Please leave us your contact details. We will call you back. Reliable and competent support is important to us right from the start!
If you don't know which of our degree programs might suit you, take our study test now and start your studies at ISM soon.
We will also be happy to send you additional and free information material by e-mail. Please leave us your contact details. We will call you back. Because reliable and competent support through personal student counselling right from the start is important to us!
© ISM International School of Management GmbH – non-profit organization