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Your flexible distance learning program: Bachelor at ISM

Our distance learning programs offer you the opportunity to acquire a Bachelor’s degree at one of the most renowned private Business schools in Germany – flexibly, full-time or part-time.

To this end, our Bachelor’s degree programs combine business fundamentals with industry-specific know-how. This enables theory and practice to be linked directly with each another. Apply your knowledge directly and deepen what you have learned.

With distance learning at ISM, you can enjoy the many advantages of a modular program from home. Allocate your time yourself, receive all learning content digitally and choose the right method from a comprehensive, multimedia course offer. Distance learning is possible wherever you are – completely independent of the location. Experienced and renowned professors are available to advise you at any time during your studies.

Our programs

Whether a Bachelor’s degree part-time or full-time, you decide! You can choose from various future-oriented Bachelor’s distance learning programs at ISM:

AACSB for ISM - a rarely awarded first-class academic seal of approval

The International School of Management is currently the only distance learning university of applied sciences in Germany to have been honoured with this global award at the highest level. Outstanding quality in teaching, committed lecturers also in applied research who proactively support students, successful co-operation with companies and international universities as well as excellent career entry opportunities for graduates - these are key requirements for the renowned AACSB accreditation. The International School of Management (ISM) has been working towards this for years. Now it has received the important seal of approval.

What is the info-webinar distance learning in general about?

You are interested in distance learning and would like to find out more about what ISM has to offer?
Then take part in one of our regular info webinars!

Your way to a Bachelor’s distance learning program at ISM

Are you unsure about the degree program for your distance learning? We would be happy to advise you on your options and find a suitable solution together. Whether the Bachelor is part-time or full-time, in management in companies or organisations – with a distance learning program at ISM you set the course for a successful future.

Trial study online Bachelor

With us you can get a first impression of our learning materials and learning platform without any obligations. Sign up today for tomorrow, next week or next month - we look forward to seeing you!

Overview – Costs for a Bachelor's Degree


  • 6  –  Semester
  • 30  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 300 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 300 €  –  Registration fee Thesis

  • 14.640 €  –  Total price
    (incl. two additional
390 €/Month

Part time fast

  • 9  –  Semester
  • 20  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 300 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 300 €  –  Registration fee Thesis

  • 15.720 €  –  Total price
    (incl. two additional
280 €/Month

Part time slow

  • 12  –  Semester
  • 15  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 300 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 300 €  –  Registration fee Thesis

  • 17.160 €  –  Total price
    (incl. two additional
230 €/Month

Experience with ISM

In distance learning, you don't have to learn alone. Our student Hannah says: "I especially like the fact that I can immediately check what I have learned through small knowledge checks, with direct feedback. That way you know exactly where you stand and what needs to be deepened. And although every student is spread out somewhere in the world, there is still a direct exchange with each other, you help each other and can have discussions with professors at monthly meetings, just like in a normal lecture."

Hannah Pohl

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

Our student Marcel says he was looking for a "study programme that is practically oriented towards top international companies [and makes it possible] to work on the side to gain relevant experience. This is also what Marcel particularly likes about the ISM distance learning programme so far: "Practical relevance (examples at top companies), free time management for work, holidays, internships, research in shops and companies, studying from home as well as the lively contact with other students despite distance learning."

Marcel Gebert

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

With an Internet connection and a PC or laptop, you are already fully equipped for the ISM distance learning program. Our multimedia learning materials are completely new with up-to-date examples and many illustrations or videos. Our students also like this: "I was looking for a university that is not only able to provide high quality content, but also to meet the requirements of a modern distance learning program. ISM is a prime example of combining a modern distance learning program with high quality content," says Leon about his experience at ISM.

Leon Böhning

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

Whether you study abroad or from home: In distance learning at ISM, you can decide for yourself when and from where you study. You don't have to be present on campus for a single exam or event - something our students also praise: "You really are 100% flexible and 100% online and can put together your own individual study plan. You can even take your exams online - cool, isn't it?" says Fabio about our distance learning program.

Fabio Nagelsky

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

Even if it's a distance learning program, we won't leave you alone! With our holistic support concept, we are there for you if you have any questions - whether via mail, chat or telephone. Our study coaches, module leaders and teaching staff will support you on your way to a successful degree. "Already the first contact with the Study Coaches Marcella and Regina had convinced me: the whole team is really friendly and answers questions super fast and competent" - this is how Angelika comments her personal experience with the distance learning program.

Angelika Gmeiner

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

Study digitally: When exceptional situations require special measures. The Corona pandemic (2020) presented society worldwide with largely unknown challenges - for some universities, this probably included teaching and learning at a distance. The ISM rather records it as an involuntary trial run in the matter of 'Home-Study', with the following conclusion: "The digital teaching runs technically and organizationally flawless at the ISM. The knowledge transfer works great and the exchange with the lecturers and fellow students doesn't come up short either."

Robin Paulus

Bachelor student in the ISM distance learning program

Experience with ISM

Surprisingly interactive: digital teaching with lively exchange Study models of the future may be digital, but they still have to meet participants' demand for interaction and communication. This is just as true for distance learning courses as it is for digital elements in face-to-face study. At ISM, our online lectures focus on interactive learning and group work - not a contradiction in terms, as our students confirm: "At first, I thought that online lectures would only be frontal and in lectures, but that has not been confirmed. Digital teaching at ISM is very interactive, always includes group work phases and offers completely new formats."

Mareike Tegethoff

Master student in the presence area

Experience with ISM

Karriere und Familie sollten sich heute nicht mehr ausschließen. Die digitalen Möglichkeiten bieten das Potenzial neben dem Familien- und Berufsalltag flexibel und erfolgreich zu studieren. Uns von der ISM ist es ein großes Anliegen, dass Bildung in jeder Situation möglich ist, wie es folgendes Beispiel zeigt: „Als berufstätige Mutter von drei Kindern kann ich die Möglichkeiten, die ein Fernstudium bietet, nicht genug loben. Eine E-Mail vom Spielplatz verschicken, aus der Ferne studieren und trotzdem Geld verdienen und auch noch mit den Kindern Fußball spielen – die Qualität der ISM ist die Flexibilität, die ein Fernstudium bietet – ein tolles Angebot.“

Frenze Taut

Studentin im Vollzeit-Bachelor Business Communication

AACSB accreditation

Currently the only distance learning program in Germany with international AACSB accreditation


All of our degree programs are reviewed and accredited by the Accreditation Council.

State recognized

With ISM you enjoy the best education – we are state-approved for an unlimited period of time.

Approved distance learning courses

Of course, all our study programs bear the seal of quality of the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU).