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Study without NC

Easy and uncomplicated: Studying without NC at ISM

Not only is distance learning completely uncomplicated with us, but access is also easy and convenient, because we have no admission restrictions. If you have met the necessary requirements and sent your application to us, you will get a place, regardless of your grade point average. Studying is that easy today - without NC at ISM.

Why can I study at ISM without NC?

Limited capacities and little space - universities with a classroom-based study periods have therefore often introduced the so-called Numerus Clausus (NC for short). This sets a prescribed average grade with which you can apply for admission to your degree course. If this is above the NC, you have the option of applying after a certain number of waiting semesters. Popular courses in particular often have a high NC.

As you study from home with a distance learning program at ISM, there is no need for an NC – at least not due to a lack of space. Therefore, our NC-free courses are accessible to everyone who meets the requirements.

The advantages of studying without an NC

Would you like to start studying after graduating from high school and cannot get a place due to admission restrictions? Our NC-free courses offer you the perfect opportunity to fulfil your dream of studying and not to lose any time with waiting semesters.

Studying without an NC is also aimed at anyone who does not get access to classroom-based studies due to the average grade of the university entrance qualification or who opts for flexible distance learning from the outset.

Find out now about studying without an NC at ISM

Distance learning at ISM gives you easy access to NC-free courses. We rely on a particularly high level of quality and education as well as a comprehensive advisory and support service. We would be happy to help you if you have any questions about studying without an NC and the admission requirements. Use our advice service by phone or email right away.

AACSB accreditation

Currently the only distance learning program in Germany with international AACSB accreditation


All of our degree programs are reviewed and accredited by the Accreditation Council.

State recognized

With ISM you enjoy the best education – we are state-approved for an unlimited period of time.

Approved distance learning courses

Of course, all our study programs bear the seal of quality of the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU).