M.A. Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management Master’s –sustainable action in companies

Today, companies such as start-ups, SMEs, multinationals, administrations and public institutions are more in demand than ever when it comes to sustainability and responsibility. On the one hand, this offers great opportunities, but at the same time presents many organisations with numerous challenges. It is thus all the more important to establish a comprehensive management system that ensures that environmental and sustainability strategies are implemented, optimised and further developed in a goal-oriented manner. To this end, it’s necessary to analyse existing problems and develop methodical approaches for solving them. The Sustainability Management Master’s programme enables you to actively shape the future of tomorrow as a specialist or manager today.


This is what you can expect in your Sustainability Management Master’s

You will gain a deep understanding of the background, methods and interrelationships of sustainability, from both a macro and micro perspective. The modules will enable you to understand the wider political, economic and social impacts, conflicts and potential solutions to sustainability challenges. e.g.:

  • climate change
  • renewable energies
  • sustainable consumption and production
  • biodiversity
  • global economic development
  • inequality and poverty
  • democracy and human rights


All of these topics are explored in depth through both self-paced online courses and live online seminars with leading experts in the field of sustainability management.

A Master’s in Sustainability Management by distance learning at a glance

Normal study period

Normal study period

  • four semesters
Start of semester

Start of semester

  • at any time
Admission requirement

Admission requirement

  • Bachelor degree that includes at least 50 ECTS units in business sciences. At least 10 ECTS units of those have to have been earned in quantitative or methodological courses and English B2


  • Master of Arts


  • English
Study locations

Study locations



  • workshop / research project


  • accredited by Akkreditierungsrat
Tuition fees

Tuition fees

  • Different cost models to choose from
Recognition of prior studies

Recognition of prior studies

  • recognition of prior studies is possible upon application. Our study coaches will advise you on this.

Fancy a look at
the curriculum?

Click to enlarge

This curriculum shows an exemplary study plan for the full-time variant. Would you also like to view the part-time curricula?
You can find these in this PDF.

Overview - Costs for a Master's Degree


  • 4  –  Semester
  • 30  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 13.170 €  –  Total price

520 €/Month

Part time fast

  • 6  –  Semester
  • 20  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 14.010 €  –  Total price

370 €/Month

Part time slow

  • 8  –  Semester
  • 15  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 15.090 €  –  Total price

300 €/Month

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The goals of the Master’s in Sustainability Management

The aim of the Master’s programme in Sustainability Management is to find answers to the questions of how leadership of sustainable organisations can be shaped, how sustainability strategies can be developed and what a transformation of business models towards a more social and ecological sustainability looks like. Special attention is given to sustainable consumption, stakeholder engagement, digital business models and the circular economy. After successfully completing the Master’s in Sustainability Management, you can, for example, design environmental projects in companies and contribute to a sustainable corporate structure. You’re also qualified to work in the consulting and advisory sector in politics or business or to specialise in the field of renewable energies.


Your advantages with a Sustainability Management Master’s

The content of the Sustainability Management Master’s and the concept of the ISM distance learning programme combine to offer you some attractive advantages that will help you lead companies towards greater sustainability and responsible action:

  • Application-oriented distance learning with high practical relevance
  • Maximum flexibility thanks to its modular structure
  • Learning that is independent of time and place
  • Deep and well-founded knowledge transfer
  • Combination of theoretical knowledge with practical examples and solutions
  • Live seminars on current economic, political and social topics


The requirements for the Sustainability Management Master’s

Do you have the urge to make a difference for the better and do you bring curiosity and self-discipline with you? Then the Sustainability Management Master’s programme is exactly the right course for you. Motivation and a passion for building up knowledge about the numerous facets of sustainability in business and society are basic requirements for the Environmental Management Master’s programme.

If you’re looking for a leadership position to bring about a change towards sustainability, whether in a large company or a small start-up, a business organisation or a public institution, then take your chance with this Sustainability Management Master’s degree, which will equip you with the necessary knowledge to act.

Your study program director for
M.A. Sustainability Management

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Your Master Student Advisory Service

Marcella Brockerhoff

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