M.Sc. Applied Business Data Science

Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme at ISM – analysts as the driving force of digitalisation

Digitalisation is leading to great challenges for many companies. More and more data is converging within structures that can barely be analysed, processed or used without the right understanding and solution-oriented approaches. This is where data scientists or data analysts come into play. They understand the complexity of the data and use models for developing solutions and answering questions. In this way, they can generate target-oriented added value for their company based on their findings.


This is what awaits you in your Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme

Within the Online Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme, students get a very realistic picture of what it takes to be a good data analyst and what potential employers are actually expecting. In order to become familiar with and apply the most important procedures and methods in the Applied Business Data Science M.Sc., real data from real companies is used. In the process, essential questions are addressed: how can one predict whether a customer will cancel a current contract at some point in the future or not? How can homogeneous customer segments be established within a customer database?

We combine what belongs together: Economics & Data Science

You don't have to know how to program to study Data Science with us. That's why you're with us: you learn programming during your studies. With the distance learning program in Applied Business Data Science, you'll use a business degree as a foundation and train in data science.

A Master’s in Applied Business Data Science by distance learning at a glance

Normal study period

Normal study period

  • four semesters
Start of semester

Start of semester

  • at any time
Admission requirement

Admission requirement

  • Bachelor degree that includes at least 50 ECTS units in business sciences. At least 10 ECTS units of those have to have been earned in quantitative or methodological courses and English B2


  • Master of Science


  • English
Study locations

Study locations



  • workshop / research project


  • accredited by Akkreditierungsrat
Tuition fees

Tuition fees

  • Different cost models to choose from
Recognition of prior studies

Recognition of prior studies

  • recognition of prior studies is possible upon application. Our study coaches will advise you on this.

Fancy a look at
the curriculum?

Click to enlarge

This curriculum shows an exemplary study plan for the full-time variant. Would you also like to view the part-time curricula?
You can find these in this PDF.

Overview - Costs for a Master's Degree


  • 4  –  Semester
  • 30  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 13.170 €  –  Total price

520 €/Month

Part time fast

  • 6  –  Semester
  • 20  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 14.010 €  –  Total price

370 €/Month

Part time slow

  • 8  –  Semester
  • 15  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 15.090 €  –  Total price

300 €/Month

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Objectives of the Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme

The goal of this degree programme is to find answers to these and many other questions and to generate – with a direct focus on the business value chain – added value from these insights. To this end, participants in the Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme learn how to programme (SQL, R, Python) and how to use the right tools to implement their desired solutions.


Your advantages with a Master’s in Applied Business Data Science

With the content of the Applied Business Data Science M.Sc. and the concept of distance learning, ISM can offer you various key advantages that will ensure that you can master and manage the challenges you’ll face in various companies with a high level of expertise:

  • practical relevance and application-oriented distance learning
  • networking as a basis for future career prospects
  • development of technical skills, such as programming in Python and R, advanced statistical skills, confident use of basic statistical software (such as SPSS), machine learning skills and database expertise in SQL and Access as well as ERP systems (SAP)
  • critical questioning of data (“data literacy”) and profitable application for a company as part of the value chain
  • gaining interface expertise between IT, business administration and data science, so that an application is also possible in the area of IT consulting.
  • creation of adaptive learning systems
  • acquisition of skills to independently address highly complex, technical issues and to prepare for “life-long learning”
  • comprehensive practical projects such as “Digital Bootcamps” as well as in the area of Robotic Process Automation RPA


Prerequisites for the Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme

One of the crucial personal prerequisites is an enthusiasm and interest in data and how to work with it. Experience in statistics and quantitative methods is advantageous. The Applied Business Data Science Master’s programme is suitable for you if, in addition to the requirements for participation, you bring an open mind to the basic idea of this degree programme: to gain knowledge and insights from data and to use them in a future-oriented way.

Your study program director for
M.Sc. Applied Business Data Science

Prof. Dr. Veith Tiemann Applied Business Data Science Master Veith Tiemann is Professor of Statistics and Data Science at the ISM Campus in Hamburg. Before joining ISM, he was a professor at another university for ten years, where he also held the position of Dean. He started his professional career with a PhD in Computational Statistics. He then lived in Australia for a year before being hired by Europe's leading B2B search engine to head its Data Intelligence department. Since 2010, Prof. Dr. Veith Tiemann has worked as a business intelligence consultant, specializing in analyzing and modeling data using R to improve the flow of the business value chain. In 2018, he was invited by CalState at Monterey Bay to support the computer science team as a visiting professor for seven months.

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Your Master Student Advisory Service

Marcella Brockerhoff

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