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The possibilities of funding your distance learning

Education and further training are more important today than ever and so you get some attractive opportunities in Germany in the form of special grants that should make it easier for you to finance your studies. To apply, you have to meet different requirements. The most important grants for  distance learning include:

  • Education bonus
  • Education voucher
  • Funding programs of the Federal states
  • Qualification Opportunities Act
  • Federal Students Assistance Act (BAföG)

The Education bonus was launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The value of the Education bonus is € 500, a maximum of 50% of the costs of further training can be financed through an education bonus. In order to benefit from the education bonus, you have to work 15 hours per week and your taxable income must not exceed the annual income limit of 20,000 euros for single assessment and 40,000 euros for joint assessment (40,000 Euro). Funding is also possible for people on parental leave. The education bonus is particularly exciting for you if you want to book individual modules as further training.

Find out now in an initial consultation

Do you have detailed questions about the requirements, the content structure or the financing options for distance learning? Feel free to contact us - we will be happy to help you with words and deeds!

Under certain conditions, you can have your distance learning funded with the Education voucher. The funding for distance learning is aimed at jobseekers who want to improve their professional opportunities. For a course eligible for funding, 100% of the costs will be covered.

Each Federal state has launched its own funding programs. The funding programs of the Federal states differ in the requirements that you have to meet in order to receive an education check, further education check, Master’s bonus etc. You can get an overview of the funding for your distance learning in the individual States here.

AACSB accreditation

Currently the only distance learning program in Germany with international AACSB accreditation


All of our degree programs are reviewed and accredited by the Accreditation Council.

State recognized

With ISM you enjoy the best education – we are state-approved for an unlimited period of time.

Approved distance learning courses

Of course, all our study programs bear the seal of quality of the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU).