M.Sc. Health Care Management

Health Care Management Master at ISM - Leadership with responsibility in health care

It goes without saying that all companies in the health care industry need managers who take responsibility for business decisions. In addition to hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry, these companies also include health insurance companies and consulting firms, for example. The master's program in Health Care Management prepares you for this responsible task and combines all the necessary skills you need for this professional field.


What awaits you in your Health Care Management Master's program

The Health Care Management Master's program ideally prepares students for management positions in the health care industry. The program teaches, in addition to the most relevant management skills and health economics competencies, knowledge of the healthcare market and how to cope with international challenges. There is also a focus on digitalization, as this has a high potential to improve the organization and design of patient care. Likewise, information and communication technologies are taught, as these will play an indispensable role in healthcare in the future and change processes in working environments.



Distance learning Health Care Management Master at a glance

Standard period of study

Standard period of study

  • 4 semesters
Start of semester

Start of semester

  • planned start April 2025
Recognition of prior learning

Recognition of prior learning

  • Recognition of prior learning is possible upon application. The student advisory service will advise you on this.


  • Master of Science


  • German with english modules
Study locations

Study locations

  • 100% online study


  • Live modules
Tuition fees

Tuition fees

  • Different cost models to choose from
Admission requirement

Admission requirement

  • A Bachelor's degree in economics with at least 10 ECTS credits in quantitative or methodological subjects and English B2 Or: A Bachelor's degree in health-related studies with proof of 50 ECTS in the field of economics and at least 10 ECTS credits in quantitative or methodological subjects and English B2

Would you like to have a look at the study plan?

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This curriculum shows an exemplary study plan for the full-time variant. Would you also like to view the part-time curricula?
You can find these in this PDF.

Overview - Costs for the Master's Degree


  • 4  –  Semester
  • 30  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 13.170 €  –  Total price

520 €/Month

Part time fast

  • 6  –  Semester
  • 20  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 14.010 €  –  Total price

370 €/Month

Part time slow

  • 8  –  Semester
  • 15  –  ECTS per Semester

  • 690 €  –  Enrollment fee
  • 15.090 €  –  Total price

300 €/Month

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The goals of the Health Care Management Master

Upon completion of your degree, you will be able to make broad strategic management decisions within the health care industry. You'll also learn to analyze, evaluate and influence the health care industry rationally and strategically. You'll have the exact knowledge and expertise expected of leaders to successfully manage, shape and develop healthcare organizations and healthcare businesses. With these learned skills, you can work in management in the pharmaceutical industry or hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Other jobs can be found in consulting and insurance or in chambers and associations.


Your advantages with a Health Care Management Master

Through the competencies that are combined in the ISM Health Care Management Master's program, you fulfill the best prerequisites for taking on responsible leadership and management positions in the health care industry. These include:

  • Management competencies for leadership positions in healthcare organizations
  • Health economic competencies for management tasks
  • Business management competencies
  • Competencies in the area of sustainability
  • Digital transformation
  • Volatile framework conditions
  • Knowledge of the healthcare market and international challenges


The degree program has a close link between theory and practice. You will be assisted by experts from the healthcare industry in teaching and you will speak about current topics such as sustainable and digital transformation. Central topics are also management and leadership with a focus on ever-changing structures in healthcare.


The prerequisites for the Health Care Management Master

The master's program in Management is aimed at graduates of a bachelor's program with at least 180 ECTS in the field of economics or graduates of a bachelor's program with at least 180 ECTS in health sciences, health management, social economics, medical technology, sports management or comparable health-related courses with proof of 50 ECTS in the field of economics with at least 10 ECTS credits in quantitative or methodological subjects. You should have an interest in management and leadership positions in healthcare. In addition, you should be willing to develop yourself personally and to take responsibility for processes in healthcare companies at a later stage.

Your study program director for
M.Sc. Health Care Management


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Your Master Student Advisory Service

Marcella Brockerhoff

© ISM International School of Management GmbH – non-profit organization